
英検1級 2008年度第2回の問題より

Should companies in financial troubles receive government support?

  理由その1 そんなことを安易に認めたら、どの企業も政府の援助を頼むようになり、自由競争という経済原則にそむくことになる。

  理由その2 もし、助けたとしたら、それは企業努力を怠ることになり、やがては競争力を失うことになるので、企業を結果的に甘やかしてしまうことになる。
 理由その3 政府が財政赤字状態にあることを考えると、とても企業を支援できるような状況ではない。


I'd like to talk about the first topic "Shold companies in financial troubles receive government support?"

My answer to this question is "NO".  I don't think companies in financial troubles should receive governmet support.  In my opinion, there are three reasons why I think so.

Firstly, it's not fair for a government to give financial support to companies even if they are in financial troubles because they do their business in the world of capitalism.  Capitalism is an economic and political system in which companies are owned by private individuals and not by the government. 
So if companies in financial troubles receive government supoort, that means
the government helps individuals using tax money from tax payers.  Tax money should be used for more public matters, not for helping certain individuals.

Secondly, giving government support to companies in financial troubles might spoil the companies and it might lead to weakening their competetiveness.
It's not good for the country itself.

Thirdly, Japan now has a very big debt of 650 trillion yen.  I don't think our government has enough budget to support any companies in financial troubles.

For these reasons, I don't think it a good idea for companies in financial troubles to receive government support.